The Teaching Centre has a variety of events and workshops that focus on teaching and take place throughout the year. These events are listed below.
Graduate Assistant Professional Development Program
Many graduate students at the University of Lethbridge are assigned work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) during the course of their graduate program. Graduate Teaching Assistants may be required to grade examinations and assignments, instruct laboratory and tutorial classes, lead discussion groups, or teach an undergraduate level class. In order to be adequately equipped for these duties, and to acquire significant skills for their future academic careers, GTAs are strongly encouraged to participate in the GTA Professional Development (PD) Program sessions throughout the fall and spring semesters.
Faculty Workshops
The objective of these workshop and tutorial sessions is to provide all faculty with quality collegial and collaborative professional development opportunities focused on understanding and praxis concomitant with exemplary teaching and learning. Topics that will be addressed include: principles of course design; effective lesson planning and delivery; assessment, grading, and evaluation; establishing a productive learning environment; teaching strategies dealing with students; classroom management; teaching and learning styles; and other topics of importance to instructors.
Talking About Teaching
Talking About Teaching is a discussion based session, that involves instructors and graduate students on campus. The format at these sessions changes from session to session, but the goal is very clear, to have a discussion about a teaching related topic. We promote a comfortable and laid back environment where the audience can be free to explore teaching concerns, ideas and more.
Instructional Skills Workshop
The ISW is a four day/28 hour boot camp for your teaching. Whether you are just starting your teaching career or have been teaching for decades and want to try something new, this peer-facilitated workshop will help you
Spark: Teaching Symposium
Spark: Teaching Symposium was initiated in 2015 and is an extension of a past event known as Teaching Day. This event changed due to the increase in attendance and also due to an increased interest in presenting.
The first Spark: Teaching Symposium was held in May 2015 and had 99 people RSVP for the event. We had a wide range of topics presented on. Some topics ranged from assignment strategies, to exploring how teaching assistants can improve student learning.
Shop Talk
These workshops are weekly workshops that run throughout the semester. The topics are ranging, but many topics focus on developing or improving skills that relate to teaching and learning.
All of our events are listed in the events calander located here