Computer labs
Computer lab schedules
Anderson Hall
Non-public labs
Your Responsibilities
NOISE: This lab has been allocated as a quiet study area. If you need to converse with others, breakout rooms are available 24 hours a day in B5.
FOOD: Packaged snacks, such as chocolate bars and chips, can be eaten in the lab but please eat your meals outside of the lab. Absolutely NO drinks or liquid of any kind is allowed in the labs. Help to ensure the lab stays clean by picking up after yourself.
AVD is a new service being offered by IT Services at the University of Lethbridge which allows students, faculty, and staff to access Windows desktops and applications from any device, from anywhere, and at any time. For more information on how to connect please visit our AVD site. If you would like to request to have additional software available via AVD please contact the ITS Solutions Centre
- Dia
- Evobeaker Software
- Factset
- Gaussian
- GaussView
- Git for Windows
- Google Chrome
- Knotia
- Logisim Evolution
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- MobaXterm
- NVivo
- PowerBI Desktop
- ProFile
- ProjectLibre
- R
- RIT Client
- RStudio
- SPSS Amos 29
- SPSS Statistics 29
- Tableau Desktop
- Visual Studio Code
- WinSCP
Computers: Dell OptiPlex Tower Plus 7010
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 Education (x64)
- 7-Zip
- ACD/Labs
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Acrobat DC
- After Effects
- Animate
- Audition
- Bridge
- Character Animator
- Dimension
- Dreamweaver
- Illustrator
- InCopy
- InDesign
- Lightroom Classic
- Media Encoder
- Photoshop
- Prelude
- Premiere Pro
- Premiere Rush
- Anaconda
- ArchEd
- ArcGIS Pro
- Arduino
- Arlequin
- Audacity
- Cambridge Structural Database System
- ChemOffice Suite
- Dia
- Envi
- EvoBeaker Software
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Gaussian
- GaussView
- Git for Windows
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Gretl
- HyperChem 8
- Kurzweil 3000
- Logisim Evolution
- Maple
- Mega 4
- MestreNova
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- MobaXTerm
- Mozilla Firefox
- Notepad++
- NVivo
- Processing
- PuTTy
- QTSpim
- R
- RStudio
- Sedlog
- SPSS Statistics
- Stucture
- Visual Studio Code
- VLC Media Player
- WinSCP
- Zoom
Computers: Dell OptiPlex Tower Plus 7010
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 Education (x64)
- 7-Zip
- ACD/Labs
- Adobe Reader
- Anaconda
- ArcGIS Pro
- ArchEd
- Arduino
- Arlequin
- Audacity
- Cambridge Structural Database System
- ChemOffice Suite
- Dia
- Envi
- EvoBeaker Software
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Gaussian
- GaussView
- Git for Windows
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Gretl
- HyperChem 8
- Logisim Evolution
- Maple
- Mega 4
- MestreNova
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- MobaXTerm
- Mozilla Firefox
- Notepad++
- NVivo
- Processing
- PuTTy
- QTSpim
- R
- RStudio
- Sedlog
- SPSS Statistics
- Stucture
- Visual Studio Code
- VLC Media Player
- WinSCP
- Zoom
Computers: Dell Precision Workstation Tower 5820
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 Education (x64)
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Acrobat DC
- After Effects
- Animate
- Audition
- Bridge
- Character Animator
- Dimension
- Dreamweaver
- Illustrator
- InCopy
- InDesign
- Lightroom Classic
- Media Encoder
- Photoshop
- Prelude
- Premiere Pro
- Premiere Rush
- Adobe Digital Editions
- Android Studio
- Arduino
- Audacity
- Autodesk 3ds Max
- Autodesk MotionBuilder
- Autodesk Mudbox
- Autodesk ReCap
- Blender
- Celtx
- DaVinci Resolve
- DVDStyler
- Figma
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Freetone
- Fritzing
- GameMaker
- Gdevelop
- Git for Windows
- GitHub Desktop
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Gradle
- Handbrake
- ImgBurn
- Kindle Previewer
- Kobo
- Krita
- LocalSend
- Maple
- Meshroom
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community
- MiniAudicle
- Mozilla Firefox
- Node.js
- Notepad++
- NVivo
- OBS Studio
- OpenShot Video Editor
- Opentoonz
- Processing
- Pure Data
- Python
- Shutter Encoder
- SPSS Statistics
- Tableau Public
- Unity3d
- Unreal Engine
- Vicon Blade
- Visual Studio Code
- VLC Media Player
- vvvv
- Wekinator
- WinSCP
- Zoom
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Reader
- Google Chrome
- IPEVO Visualizer
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- Mozilla Firefox
- Notepad++
- Polycom Companion
- SPSS Statistics
- VLC Media Player
- Yuja
- Zoom
Computers: Dell Optiplex 9020
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Education (x64)
- 7-Zip
- Acrobat Reader DC
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- Mozilla Firefox
- VLC Media Player
- Zoom
- 7-Zip
- ACD/Labs
- Adobe Reader
- Anaconda
- ArchEd
- Arduino
- Arlequin
- Audacity
- Cambridge Structural Database System
- ChemOffice Suite
- Dia
- EvoBeaker Software
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Gaussian
- GaussView
- Git for Windows
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Gretl
- HyperChem 8
- Kurzweil 3000
- Logisim Evolution
- Maple
- Mega 4
- MestreNova
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus
- Access
- Excel
- OneNote
- PowerPoint
- Publisher
- Word
- MobaXTerm
- Mozilla Firefox
- Notepad++
- NVivo
- Processing
- PuTTy
- QTSpim
- R
- RStudio
- Sedlog
- SPSS Statistics
- Stucture
- Visual Studio Code
- VLC Media Player
- WinSCP
- Zoom